Stealth Hunter 2 Game Review
Feel like being sneaky? Is blowing stuff up, ripping off body parts, and destroying massive amounts of objects just a bit to exciting for you today? Then go play Stealth Hunter 2. If you played the first version and you still have a sour taste in your mouth then if you do nothing else for the rest of your life, listen to the next things I tell you. Stop licking the screen and use more mouthwash. Now instead of bashing Stealth Hunter, the first release of this game, I will tell you how good part 2 is. This game is captivating, riveting, and has playability for days. The music is pretty cool, and while outside the rain sound effects sound great.
It is hard to talk about this game with out sounding like i'm going overboard but that is only because they first game they came out with was horrible, this game is worlds from the first one which isn't all that common in the flash world. It looks like they threw everything away and started fresh with same name and same basic concept only keeping the few things that really just worked from the original. These guys did an oustanding job of looking back at all the mistakes that were made and found a way to make a game that people wanted to play for hours at a time. Don't get me wrong this is still a flash game that still looks like a flash game, but it is clean, easy to play, and is a challenge. I have a feeling the fact that Not Doppler sponsored the second one it was because they liked the first one, but wanted a game up to their standards so they paid for it, can't blame them since this game is cool and the first one was pretty good on a low budget, but if you have the money to spend then Stealth Hunter 2 is what you can get with a few extra dollars.
When ever you get spotted the whole screen turns to a hue of red and the alarms go off and you loose your radar and it is replaced by a timer. This timer lets you know how much time you have until your hidden again. Once all the orange is gone from the circle then you are back to being hidden again. So if you accidentally run in front of one of the security cameras, just run as fast as you can to the nearest open room and hope no one saw you run in there. The warnings will go off and when they do the guards all return to their routine. Then you go back out and sneak around the camera and snap their necks for not looking hard enough to find you. Another thing they did right was the pointers you can see on the ground that will help guide you at least in the direction of what ever your mission is, and it also tells you how far you have to go via meters. Not that I have any idea how far 25 meters actually is. Way to go American public schools!
Stealth Hunter 2 has proven to be much more of a challenge than I had thought. I started playing this assuming it was like the first one and I was dead wrong. This game is intense, not only does the music sound intense, but the game jumps right into intense scenes. You start this game out with no weapons, you don't even get one until the 3rd or 4th level. This is addicting. See if you can play this with out getting all frustrated because you want to make it to the next level and see what you can find. I think the lock picking is fun too. Granted it isn't difficult at all, but it is different. Especially when you are trying to pick a lock and a guard is walking around the corner, if you don't pick it fast enough he will kill you and then you have to start over. Also another cool thing they built into the game was the auto save. Once you get to a certain spot in each level it saves your progress so that if you have to restart you don't loose to much.
When ever you play a fun game you always tell someone right? NO? Well i'm ashamed! How else are the hard working people that create these games ever going to make enough money to support their families? With out people to play these games, there would be a giant increase in porn sales for one, secondly life wouldn't be nearly as fun. Make sure when ever you find a game you like, site you like, or something that peaks your interest ( this is pertaining to ONLINE things only, don't tell the guy in line at McDonald's, that you think that LoL Fun Games.Com is the coolest flash site with the absolute best descriptions on the web ) then you should tag it, share it, tumble it, pintrest it, or email it to a friend you would think would like it. You can tell these guys worked hard on this game and it is by far the coolest flash stealth game I've played. For fun games like this and more please visit here or here.
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