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Monday, March 26, 2012

Why I play online games.

    Lets keep this real simple. I am the worlds greatest procrastinator. If you don't believe me then I will set out to prove you wrong. Until then let me give a little back ground on who's crap your reading about, let me introduce myself. I am Mr. Irrelevant, Mr. Common, and Mr. Next Door. I am you except for the small fact that I am here looking through these eyes describing what it is you see. If you understand where I am coming from then you need a little bit of motivation because I'm still looking for my ambition it has some how escaped me much like my memory and my drive and since that's gone I've been stuck here. I was wishing on a wing and a prayer but I thought that was a bit ironic since i'm Buddhist.  I use that term every so carefree when what I really should be saying is that if I didn't procrastinate actually going to temple then I may be able to use the word as freely as I do now.
    I would love to go into depth about exactly what has lead me to this point in my life but much like the real thing, train wrecks like this don't just happen, they are chaotically orchestrated and I have had the pleasure of having a front row seat at the messed up movie that is my life. About two years ago I met a guy who would become my best friend, party pal, and father to my grand child. Had I known our future then I probably would have just been a really bad neighbor and told my wife that he was a registered white supremacist but she is confrontational and thinks she could change anyone's mind. Instead, for some reason I spoke to him and got to know him much better. We have a lot in common even more than the love for my daughter, more than the love for the soon to be here grand child, we had one thing in common that bonded us enough to keep me from attempted homicide, we are A**holes. We've all had jobs but he and I hated ours more than most and he was in the process of starting a home business that would allow him not to need a job ever again. I became his friend and not only was I jealous of him, but I wanted to do it too. He had built up a free flash  game website. Really he didn't do much he just bought a script and uploaded a bunch of game packs, every cool game he could learn how to iframe, and many more that he just liked and he tweaked it. After a few years my friend was able to support himself fully and I saw exactly what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Up until that point in my life I never realized that I had absolutely NO direction in life and had no idea what I wanted or could do for a living for the rest of my life. I would like to introduce you for the first time to the first creation my friend and I were able to accomplish. Meet... Fun Games Online

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